par Chef Eric Gephart Recipe

Salmon Cheeseburgers

Portions: 2 people
Temps de cuisson: 0 - 30 min
Fruits de mer


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Kvaroy Arctic Kamado Joe Salmon Cheeseburger Chef Eric Recipe


  1. 01

    Preheat your grill to 425°F and slightly oil the grill grates.

  2. 02

    Place the salmon burgers on the grill grates and cook undisturbed for 2 minutes, then flip. As soon as you flip the burger, top each burger with 2 slices of Cream Havarti Cheese so it will begin to melt. Cook for another 3 minutes, long enough for the cheese to melt and for the burger to come to an internal temp of 135°F.

  3. 03

    While the burgers are finishing and cheese is melting, spread the butter on the top and bottom face of the bun and quickly toast both sides.

  4. 04

    Transfer the bun to the presentation plate. Mix the ketchup, mayonnaise and caperstogether and spread the sauce evenly on the inside top and bottom of the bun. Garnish next with lettuce, then tomato.

  5. 05

    On the grill, stack the cooked burgers with melted cheese and transfer them from the grill to right on top of the tomato. Finish off with the baconand fanned avocado,then top with the toasted and sauced burger bun top. Enjoy!